2023-2024 OfficersCo-President Linda Pratt
Co-President Vivienne Sommerfield Vice-Pres./Membership Janet Rutter Recording Secretary Meg Klopp Treasurer Nancy Herr Treasurer Vivienne Sommerfield Web Administrator Mercy Olson Historian Darlene Stammer |
Member BenefitsToledo Piano Teachers Association provides opportunities for professional development for piano teachers. The finest way to enjoy these benefits, and to fulfill TPTA’s mission, is attendance at events. These include meetings/programs, Dorothy MacKenzie Price artist master classes and concerts, master classes at Craig’s keyboards, and our sponsored students performances. These choices provide a variety of days and times.
Membership Categories |
Membership categories are Active, Emeritus, or Patron. Active Members attend events, vote during meetings, and pay annual dues. Patron Members are individuals, organizations, or business firms wishing to support TPTA and its activities. Emeritus Membership honors the people who have led the way through piano teaching; who are no longer teaching but still support our TPTA activities and events.